Hannah’s Prayer of Adoration

April 14th, 2015

RG AUDIO 041415


1 Samuel 2:1-10

What would you give up for God? Your money? Your life? How about your only son’s life? That is the story of Hannah.

Hannah was loved by her husband but unable to have children. In their world and time children were literally the future. Children were the retirement program for parents. Hannah’s retirement looked very bleak as year after year she remained childless. Her condition led to ridicule by other mothers in the community.

But Hannah had two admirable characteristics that are noted in the scriptures. First, she was transparent with God about her condition and situation. She poured out her sorrow in prayer to the One who could help her. Second, she was humble. She approached God with the heart of a servant, willing to give back to God what God had given her. The result was that God answered her with the birth of a son, Samuel, who became one of Israel’s greatest prophets.

It is just like our God to take the child of a once barren woman and make him a blessing to others. It makes you wonder what He would do through us if we were as yielded to Him as Hannah was, doesn’t it?

Author: Larry R. Morris


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