Looking Like Your Father

December 12th, 2014

RG AUDIO 121214


Philippians 3:1-14

Someone said, “A man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father.” That is true for me. Every time Bob passes a mirror, it seems his father is staring back at him. Carol often reminds him that the older he gets the more and more like Melvin he becomes. Actually, he takes that as a compliment: His dad “was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith” (Acts 11:24). His prayer is that his children will think the same of him.

Paul’s goal was to more and more resemble his Heavenly Father. He wasn’t satisfied with his present level of Christlikeness. He pressed on to be more like his Lord. He wanted the fruit of Christ Jesus in his life. He wanted to be more joyful, peaceful, loving, gentle, longsuffering, faithful, and self-controlled. He was committed to better reflect Christ to the world.

It is a worthy goal. My greatest passion is to imitate my heavenly Father. I am not where I should be, but with God’s help, the older I get, the better I’ll be. What is the mirror telling you today? Keep pressing on.

Author: Bob Broadbooks

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