Know The Word

October 10th, 2014

RG AUDIO 101014


Matthew 22:23-33

The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy about people who were “always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth” (2 Tim. 3:7). It is possible to know many things about Jesus but never know Him. It is possible to gain knowledge about God but never have a saving relationship with Him. It is possible to read the scriptures extensively yet miss the grand realities those scriptures teach.

God’s revelatory word is intended for more than superficial knowledge. It is a life source. It contains the truth about Jesus as the final and complete revelation of the Father and His holy love.

The Sadducees and the Pharisees could be experts on the minutia, but failed to see the grand reality standing before them. All they wanted to do was to catch Jesus in a trap, demean and diminish Him. Jesus dismissed them, saying, “You do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.”

The “God of the . . . living” (v. 32) has revealed himself intermediately in the Holy Scriptures, and finally and fully in the Son.

Author: Jesse C. Middendorf

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