Today Matters

November 20th, 2013

RG AUDIO 112013


Matthew 24:36-51

We want to know. Today we have great ability to gather, understand, and use knowledge. Science, archaeology, psychology, and biology all provide ways for us to find information amazingly fast and accurately. Knowing gives us a sense of control, power, and ability to deal with much of what life hands to us. Knowledge is an amazing thing!

But there are things that we don’t get to know. We don’t get to know why some people get cancer or why some dreams are realized and others are not, we may never know what was going on in the mind of those that commit senseless acts of violence, and we don’t know when Jesus will return.

That should bring immediacy to today. What we say, how we live, how we spend our money and our time, where we go, and who we spend time with matters for eternity. What we do know should shape us in this very moment as we seek after God and serve in His kingdom in a way that, when Jesus comes back, we will be ready to experience eternity with Him.

Author: Olivia Metcalf

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