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March 24th, 2013

RG AUDIO 032413

John 11:8-16

Have you ever tried to shelter a child from a harsh truth? Jesus tried to break the news of Lazarus’s death gently to his disciples, but they misunderstood him. He goes on to speak plainly and tell them of Lazarus’s death.

Sometimes knowing the truth is painful. Being omniscient, Jesus knew Lazarus would be raised from the dead. Being a human, gave him the ability to feel the pain of death. Given the facts, the disciples would surely begin to mourn for their friend, and Jesus hoped to shelter them from unnecessary sorrow.

There have been times in my life when I felt God didn’t give me a full answer. In studying John chapter 11, I now understand a possible reason. Perhaps, if I were to know the truth at the moment, it would be too much for me to bear. First Corinthians 13:12 tells us we only know partial things here on earth, but once we awake in heaven, we will see things wholly. Until that day, I will trust the Lord with my partial truths, because I know he has only my good and his glory in mind.

Author: Sonya Lee Thompson


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