Bad Guys Sometimes Win

March 6th, 2012

RG AUDIO 030612Mark 9:14-32

You or someone you know is battling cancer, fighting for life. Someone in your life has been betrayed by their best friend, their spouse, or their relative. Most likely, you know someone who is unable to have children. They may be the finest Christian couple. They serve God with all their heart and yet he does not provide their deepest desire.

Not everything in life makes sense. Not everything is fair. Sometimes the “bad guys” win. We cry out to God to help us, to come to our rescue, to even the score, but he doesn’t always answer. We cry out, “Lord, I want to believe in you! I want to believe you want the best for my life! Help me, Father, with my unbelief!”

Faith is a result of God’s grace encompassing us. We cannot have everything we pray for at the snap of our fingers, but with faith, we can have everything we need to glorify God and shine his light on others in desperate need of his love and grace.

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One Response to “Bad Guys Sometimes Win”

  1. Connie Says:

    March 24th, 2012 at 7:33 pm

    right now to me in my life it seems like the bad guys always win, i try so hard to believe, am being pulled apart by life, my mental health, my physical health, my inability to find answers, ” We cry out to God to help us, to come to our rescue, to even the score, but he doesn’t always answer. We cry out, “Lord, I want to believe in you! I want to believe you want the best for my life! Help me, Father, with my unbelief!”, i can relate to this so much, too much

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