Cleaner Than Clean

January 23rd, 2012

RG AUDIO 012312Psalm 51:1-9

Have you ever seen something cleaned so thoroughly that it shines like fresh snow in the sun? That was what David desired after being confronted by the Prophet Nathan, the light of God’s truth had revealed the ugly stain of his sin. He felt dirty. Not only had he committed adultery with Bathsheba, but as king he had put her husband in a position to be killed.

In Psalm 51, David calls out to God after being confronted and corrected. David has a deep desire to be cleansed of his sins; he knows all the baths in the entire world won’t wash his sin away. He expresses in vivid detail just how much he wants to be cleansed; by asking to be made whiter than anything else he has seen on earth–snow.

When we mess up (and we will mess up), let us take a lesson from David. Let’s fall on God’s mercy and seek to be cleansed and made cleaner than clean!


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