Taking Note
September 29th, 2011
Psalm 106:40-48
It might be a stretch to make this connection, but bear with me—I think it’s possible. There is something in common with Psalm 106, where God hears the cry of the people, and in James 5:16, where we are told to confess to one another and we will be healed. The common point is that the people reveal to God and to each other what is in their hearts. The common point is confession. God heard the cry of his people. James tells us that in declaring, or confessing, our true deliverance is made possible.
In the ancient Christian church, confession is a sacrament—a means by which we experience the presence of God. John Wesley used that thinking with his cell groups, and had participants begin by saying, “The state of my heart is . . .” and the person declared joy or fear, or sin or distress, or hope or whatever was in there.
Let’s live in confession before God and each other today.