Dwell In His Goodness

June 6th, 2021

RG AUDIO 060621


Psalm 145:1-12

We talk a lot about the goodness of God. We talk about prayers answered, gifts given, and protection bestowed. Lists have been made of all the attributes of the Father that make Him good. However, have you ever stopped to think about what it feels like to live in God’s abundant goodness?

God’s goodness isn’t just a collectible we put on a shelf and admire. God’s goodness is meant to be experienced. Like a pig in fresh mud, a toddler with chocolate ice cream, or a mom enjoying a meal she didn’t cook, God’s goodness is meant to be a place in which we dwell with the Father. I believe the “goodness” is the ocean of feelings that arise because we realize we are living in close relationship with Christ. It’s an ocean of feelings that even though the gravity of life causes the tide to ebb and flow, it assures us that we are still His and He is still ours.

Has He been faithful? Do you believe He will continue to be faithful? Never, ever cease to praise Him.

Author: Andrea Talley


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