Armor of Light

December 27th, 2019

RG AUDIO 122719


Romans 13:8-14

In his letter to the church in Rome, Paul tells the Romans that salvation comes through confessing with our mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord and believing that He was raised from the dead (10:9). Here we see that when salvation has come to us, we begin to mature in our faith by loving our neighbor and by putting aside “deeds of darkness.” Not only does Paul implore the Romans to forsake bad behavior, he appeals to them to replace the bad behavior with the armor of light. He directs them to clothe themselves with Jesus Christ.

Clothing ourselves with Jesus Christ only comes through knowing Him more and more every day. Reading God’s Word, and finding ourselves in the midst of God’s story, and spending time in prayer and silence seeking God’s heart are just a few ways that we begin to understand how Jesus was able to practice such determined obedience to the Father while He was here on earth.

We not only listen to God’s Word to us, we seek to put it into action.

Author: Emily Armstrong


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