Living In Light

December 28th, 2019

RG AUDIO 122819


1 John 1:1-10

What a beautiful image of God: God is light and in God there is no darkness. In God, there is no room for anything but light.

Because no darkness is found in God, He makes a way for His people to be all about light as well. This is the reason He commands His followers to be holy as He is holy. Holiness is not just something that happens when we get to heaven, it’s the way He intends our lives to be lived now.

In 1 John 6 it’s clear, “If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie.” We cannot claim one thing and do another. The world has a name for it too; it’s called hypocrisy. One can easily tell when something is being preached but not practiced. Sin has no place in the Christian life, nor do we fall to its power when we are walking daily with Christ. Our power lies in engaging in the worship of God, which transforms us into His image.

Author: Emily Armstrong

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