Live a Life Empowered

December 20th, 2019

RG AUDIO 122019


John 15:26—16:7

Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He tried to prepare His disciples for what lay ahead of them. First, He gave them the instructions to continue the mission He started. Jesus knew how difficult this assignment was. He had firsthand knowledge of how the world would receive them. He also knew they were incapable of fulfilling God’s call on their own. He knew they would need a companion that would be God’s voice and guidance.

His second step was to assure them of divine assistance to accomplish this mission. This advocate, sent by God, serves to aid us and teach us; the Spirit counsels us as we seek to know God more. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth because He reveals God’s truth to us. We can read the Bible from cover to cover and still not have the living knowledge of Jesus guiding us like we will when the Holy Spirit brings it directly to our hearts.

With the Holy Spirit, we are empowered just as the disciples were. Our lives can be transformed to know and to serve God as we were created to do.

Author: Patty Craft


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