Our Confidence Comes from God

September 19th, 2019

RG AUDIO 091919


2 Corinthians 3:1-6

In baseball, there are two aspects of great pitching. One is mechanics. Mechanics can make a big difference. But the second part of great pitching is learning to pitch with confidence.

You can learn all the motions, but if you don’t go out and pitch with confidence, it all falls apart. You’ll lose the strike zone, overthink pitches, fail to trust your pitches.

Life functions in a similar way. If we lose confidence, we start operating from a place of fear instead of trust. We second guess all sorts of things and that ends up paralyzing us.

One of the blessings of a Christian life is the ability to live and move in a state of confidence . . . not in ourselves, but in our God. Our lives in Christ are not ultimately grounded in our own ability, emotional state, mental capacity, or circumstances. As the people of God, our confidence is rooted in the faithfulness of God, which frees us to operate in our daily lives in confidence as we serve and are obedient to God.

Author: Erik Gernand


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