Sound Judgment

August 16th, 2017

RG AUDIO 081617


2 Chronicles 19:1-11

One of the toughest things a parent has to accomplish with their children is passing on the ability to make good judgments. This is especially important when the parent is not around the child or when the child has moved away.

King Jehoshaphat, in 2 Chronicles 19, needed to delegate judges in all of the areas of Judah. It was important for him to find men who would make good judgments even when Jehoshaphat was not around to give them advice and counsel. He reminds them that they need to be careful judges and to avoid outside influences that would seek to change their sound judgment. Like parents, Jehoshaphat knew that there are many influences and distractions in the world.

Sound judgment requires a commitment to discernment and the truth. It requires decision-making free of partiality or discrimination. No matter the situation, our commitment to Christ requires us to look beyond what others would want in a situation and to seek what He wants us to do.

Author: Douglas E. McClure

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