Joint Convenant

August 19th, 2010


At a recent women’s gathering, all married women were asked to bring a wedding picture. They rummaged and found photos in fine frames, some 50 to 60 years old.

Vicky quickly found their wedding-day picture and put it in a silver frame to display. When she brought it home, it did not return to the storage bin. Rather, she proudly put it on her bedroom dresser, where it is still today.
Now it daily reminds them of the covenant they made 57 years ago. The love shared then and now has deepened as those years have stretched into decades.

Jeremiah reminds the children of Israel of the precious, binding, and everlasting covenant God has firmly made for this chosen nation. “I will be their God and they will be my people” are very reassuring words, comforting words. To be called “a people of God” is a significant honor and privilege. May we represent Him in a way that He and all of us are pleased.

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