Unconditional Thanks

June 19th, 2024

Psalm 100:1-5

How easy it is to shout joyfully and thank God when life is good and going our way. If I’m healthy and have money in the bank, then it is easy for me to thank God and give Him praise. Yet when I get bad news at the doctor, or don’t know how the bills will be paid, then thanking God isn’t so easy.

When I think about Psalm 100, I automatically think of Brittany, my sister-in-law. She was diagnosed with cancer, went through chemo, radiation, and had a double mastectomy before her 27th birthday. A few years later, she found out she was pregnant with her second child and was told her cancer had returned. This time the cancer had spread to her lungs, liver, bones, and brain. She delivered her daughter and started chemo the same day. Brittany is in constant pain, but I watch her in amazement. She is continually thankful to God and praising Him for another day!

Thanksgiving becomes conditional when your heart is sourced by the circumstances and conditions around you. However, when your heart is rooted in Christ, your thanksgiving will be sourced by Him who never changes.

Author: Kelly Brown


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