Disliked and Despised
December 30th, 2024
Isaiah 52:13—53:3
There’s an old children’s song that begins, “Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I’ll go eat worms!” I don’t know about you, but it doesn’t matter how unloved I might feel, I think I’ll pass on the worms.
If anybody had a reason to sing a song about eating worms, it was Jesus. Isaiah prophesied that the Son of God would be unliked, unwanted, enduring much suffering and pain. Jesus Christ didn’t deserve any of the unkind words, mistreatment, or anguish that came His way. Christ was sinless and perfect. He never once did anything to merit such a punishment.
However, God had a plan. Once in a garden, two people made a choice that had consequences for all of humanity. It would take a sinless, spotless lamb to bridge the gulf that separated us from God. Since God longed to be in relationship with His creation, He sent His one and only Son into this world to bear our sin and shame so that you and I could enjoy sweet communion with the Father, now and forevermore.
Author: Andrea Talley