The Way to Live

December 12th, 2024

Isaiah 35:5-10      

A tour guide took a group out to a lookout that was famous for its view. When they took a different path than most of the other tourists, the guide explained that over the years, people had lost their way to the original lookout, which had an even better view than the one all the other tourists were headed for. Once the group came to the original lookout, they could see the other tourists far below, missing the spectacular view from above.

Sometimes, we are like those tourists missing out on the spectacular view: We think we know where we are headed and how to get there. We want to walk the way of holiness, yet we are following people rather than God. We miss the mark and head down the wrong path.

However, when God is our guide, we can be sure that He has the correct destination in mind. As His followers, our desire must be to live in step with God. This is the time to ask ourselves, “Who am I following? What is my destination?” May God open our eyes to the Way of Holiness.

Lord, lead us in your holy way.

Author: Melodie Eisenhoffer


One Response to “The Way to Live”

  1. Laura High Says:

    December 12th, 2024 at 9:56 am


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