Answered With A Promise

October 10th, 2024

Daniel 9:20-28

Even while Daniel was praying, his prayer was being answered. As Daniel’s prayer began, it was as if the prayer had already concluded and God had already set into motion an answer for the prayer.

When we talk to God, God already knows our intentions. He knows what we desire to pray for, even those prayer requests that we may fail to remember to mention because they slip our minds. We can trust that when we pray, God begins to work.

It’s interesting that Gabriel commanded Daniel to “understand the vision” (v. 23), because if you noticed the number of footnotes in these verses, you noticed that the vision isn’t all that easy to understand—not even for those who daily study the Bible in the original languages.

God promised Daniel that God would act on behalf of Daniel and his people. When we pray, we shouldn’t necessarily expect Gabriel to show up and speak to us, but we can pray trusting that the will of God will be accomplished.

Author: Joe Foltz

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2 Responses to “Answered With A Promise”

  1. Jeff Combs Says:

    October 10th, 2024 at 7:50 am

    Brother Joe. This message is crystal clear and it is not about pre-millennial dispensationalism and a pre-tribulation rapture with darby-scofield theology. It prophesied about our Great King of Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus Christ who sits on the throne in heaven. It was about the destruction of jerusalem in 70 AD. It is not about the current evil and satanic beast government nation state of israel. It was about the real true Israel of God, the Body of Christ, the Church as noted in Galatians 3. He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the Israel of God, the church. Jesus loves all people of the world including the jewish people.

  2. mike Says:

    October 10th, 2024 at 9:49 am

    A good resource of understanding the book of Daniel in a deeper way is the New Beacon Bible Commentary on Daniel written by Dr. Jim Edlin. Have a great day!

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