High And Mighty

September 18th, 2024

Daniel 5:18-21

Scientific studies propose that feeling powerful may suppress the part of the brain that helps us connect with others referred to as the “mirror system.” This mirror system is a group of neurons that become active both when you experience something (say, drink a cup of good coffee) or when someone you see experiences something (say, drink a cup of good coffee). In a sense, the mirror system helps you empathize (including their motives) with the other person drinking that coffee. Feeling powerless seems to boost the mirror system. However, a boost of power suppresses the mirror system, making it more difficult to empathize with another.

Nebuchadnezzar received “sovereignty and greatness and glory and splendor” from God. If he wanted to elevate someone, he did. If he wanted to dispose of someone, he did.

This all worked out until “his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride” (v. 20). He forgot how to empathize with the people around him. He certainly forgot that the power he did have came not from him, but from God.

Don’t let power go to your head.

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson


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