
August 25th, 2024

Psalm 84:1-12

Sometimes I get rather nostalgic for the way church used to be. Little kid me wasn’t always crazy about dressing up for Sunday night service, prayers that turned into hour-long sermons, or revivals so long that you wished you’d brought a snack.

While that era of worship wasn’t perfect, there is something to be said about how that method of “doing church” encouraged people to dwell in the sweet presence of the Spirit. Coming together as the body of Christ was a priority every time the doors were open. Preachers didn’t seem to worry as much about the length of their sermons. Worship didn’t seem rushed and there was always time to do business with the Father at an altar of prayer.

Times change and the way we worship absolutely can change with it. However, sometimes I wonder if the “vintage” custom of lingering in God’s goodness ought to be better practiced today. Perhaps the parameters of our worship (both personal and congregational) need to widen and give the Holy Spirit access to dwell among us and us with Him.

Author: Andrea Talley


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