Moving Mountains

July 3rd, 2024

Job 42:7-17

It can be difficult for us to remember the power of prayer. We hear about it all the time, but often we use prayer as an end to action. We say “I’ll pray about it.” We assume that prayer is the last resort so our work is done. In reality, prayer is one of the most important things we can do. It should be our first action; we should think of it not as passive, but as something that can move mountains.

For reasons we do not understand, God even invites us to pray as if the mind of God can change. We see this in Job 42:7 and in stories with Moses and with Abraham. How incredible that our relationship with God is so valuable that we are allowed to influence the mind of God. It is a theological conundrum that emphasizes the power of prayer, and as such, we should not be so flippant about its power.

What miracles could happen in our lives, our churches, our communities if we truly acted as if the way we prayed had an impact on us?

Author: Lexi Sunberg


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