Place Your Hope in God

June 12th, 2024

Psalm 25:16-22

David’s heart would resonate with the psalmist of Psalm 119, who testified that “in the night,” the remembrance of God’s name (v. 55) and God’s word gave him hope (v. 49). “Arrogant” people mocked him “unmercifully” (v. 51) because of his adherence to God’s law (vv. 51, 52, 54, 55, 56).

It is as if the arrogant were saying, “You may turn God’s decrees into song, but we have no use for God’s law” (vv. 53-54, author’s paraphrase). “We will do as we please!”

“Not so!” declares psalmist Asaph. Those who speak “with malice” (73:8) against God and His servants, God places them on “slippery ground.” He casts them down “to ruin” (v. 18).

The arrogant live with the short view; the psalmist lives with the long view, based on his knowledge of the past. He remembers God’s “ancient laws” (119:52), including God’s acts of kindness to his ancestors. The remembrance of these—“your word to your servant” (v. 49)—enables him to endure others’ present rejection.

In God’s word, the psalmist finds comfort for the present (vv. 50, 52), hope for the future (v. 49), and a song wherever he finds a night’s lodging (v. 54).

Author: Barry Ross

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