Declare Your Trust in God

June 10th, 2024

Psalm 25:1-7

In Psalm 4, David affirmed, “In peace I will lie down and sleep (v. 7). Sometimes, we lie down but sleep eludes us. Anxieties—today’s cares, tomorrow’s worries—buzz about in our minds. Sleep’s relaxation remains elusive.

Yet, David, surrounded by those who turned his “glory into shame” (v. 2), in the midst of such danger, is able to sleep. An experienced military man, David surely ordered guards placed about his tent. Yet, it was not because of trust in these human guards that he was able to sleep “in peace.” No, “You alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety” (v. 8).

David had prayed, done quiet time, offered sacrifices (vv. 1, 4, 5). Yet, when he had done all this, his deepest act of worship was simply to “trust in the LORD” (v. 5).Out of this simple trusting came a “joy” that filled his “heart,” a joy like the joy of harvest time (v. 7).

Trust in God produces peace in one’s heart and mind. In that peace, we may both lie down and sleep.

Author: Barry Ross


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