The Kingdom Here, Now
June 6th, 2024
Matthew 6:7-15
God gave Moses the motto for the children of Israel: “Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy” (Leviticus 19:2). The people were admonished to understand the meaning of worship, community, and economy so they could be holy before God. That same admonition applies to us today. God calls us to think holy, speak holy, and act holy, so we can be holy before God. This is what the kingdom of God looks like.
Only through holiness can we know the kingdom of God and know it here on earth as it is in heaven. God’s call to holiness isn’t one that sets us in isolation, away from spreading the kingdom like the seeds of a holy kingdom. God calls us to have Christ at the very center of all we do. What we do furthers the kingdom’s presence in our broken world.
The call to holiness is not a call from past shadows. It is God’s call to every follower of Christ of every generation and for all times. Obedience to the call gives us our compass in life and dictates our behavior.
Author: Nina Gunter
June 6th, 2024 at 2:31 pm
Thank you, Dr. Gunter, for the strong emphasis on holiness in these devotionals. I specifically appreciated today’s reminder and encourager:
“God’s call to holiness isn’t one that sets us in isolation, away from spreading the kingdom like the seeds of a holy kingdom.” We are not living in isolation. We are separated only by our Christlikeness; therefore, we go into all the world to make disciples.