Low Batteries

May 22nd, 2024

2 Corinthians 12:1-10

Humanity would be lost if suddenly charging cords and batteries of all kinds were to mysteriously disappear. Remote controls, smart phones, ear buds, clocks, cars . . . they all need some sort of rechargeable energy source in order to function as their inventors intended. Without the ability to restore power, these devices are nothing but paperweights and knickknacks whose purpose isn’t being fulfilled. The appropriate charging device or battery is absolutely necessary for a successful existence.

Christ-followers would be nothing without the restorative power of God’s grace. Without God’s grace, we would be reduced to beings that simply took up space, whose purpose wasn’t being fulfilled. God’s freely-given grace is absolutely necessary for a Christ-follower’s daily existence.

God’s grace is irreplaceable. There isn’t a less expensive, generic form of grace that will refresh our souls the way that God’s unmerited favor does.

God’s grace is more than enough.

Author: Andrea Talley


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