Attacks of Doubt

May 12th, 2024

Psalm 69:4-13

There are times when it feels like the entire world is against us. We begin to worry about who is whispering behind our backs, what they are plotting and planning. It can be deeply frightening and anxiety-inducing.

The enemy of our souls can take a kernel of truth and magnify it through a lens of lies. Disagreements and difficulties soon become insurmountable, overwhelming, impossible. “Everyone hates me.” “They’re all talking about me.” “There’s nothing I can do.” The fear can be paralyzing. In fear, we make our worst decisions.

In my experiences of fear, I’m learning to do two things. First, to count. Rarely is the opposition “everyone.” Most often, it’s fewer than three. Much more manageable than “everyone.” Second, I’m learning to look to the Lord and wait on Him.

We can fixate on the worries, they grow and threaten. When we wait upon the Lord, we will be open to His truth and His help.

Author: Caleb Reynolds


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