The Call of Creation: All For One

March 3rd, 2024

Psalm 133:1-3

When Eve and Adam ate the apple and were expelled from the garden, God set in motion a plan to reconcile all of humanity to Godself. It is natural to wonder why God would not just destroy everything and start over. God loved us. God loves us still!

The Trinity is proof that the very character of God is rooted in community. Patiently and painstakingly, God has worked with humanity through the ages to draw creation into everlasting communion.

That is the picture God wants us to see today. When people called by God live together with unity of purpose, God is pleased. Just as importantly, the world around us can get a glimpse of who God really is—a God who loves us and rejoices in our fellowship.

What God wants for all of creation is to live in a union that cannot be tainted by the effects of sin. While we live in this fallen world, we are called to living in the unity of the Spirit until Christ returns.

Author: Carol Rittenhouse

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3 Responses to “The Call of Creation: All For One”

  1. Jeff Combs Says:

    March 3rd, 2024 at 7:38 am

    Thanks for sharing. The body of Christ today is sadly impotent. Men and Women are not true equals in the Home, the Church and in the World. We are afraid to stand against what the WORD of God is clear on. We have fallen so far as to think it is ok if genocide is committed by an atheistic state called israel that is clearly not Biblical Israel or the Israel of God as noted in Galatians and think that the USA will be blessed by this godlessness. The fact is the USA has been cursed by supporting this satanic government. The evidence is overwhelming. May we as the prayed for unified Church wake up and stand up for Jesus and obey Him rather than man. May the Lord Jesus bless you sister. Stay strong in Him. Amen.

  2. Ethan Kaurr Says:

    March 3rd, 2024 at 8:03 am

    Jeff, there is no innocent party in the flesh. If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. Our faith is not about nations. It is not about Israel, Palestine, Or the USA, or any of that. It is not about Man, or Woman, or Jew or Gentile, or Slave or Free. It is about a personal relationship and love from the Savior of the Spirit that brings about a rejoicing and peace that transcends everything fleshly around us.

    Is your heart in the right place? Truth it might be, but where is your focus? On the goodness of God, or the terror of nations? Let the flesh die, that’s what it does, leave it be. Live for God and God alone.

  3. Vonda Says:

    March 3rd, 2024 at 9:19 am

    Unity in essentials, liberty in non-essentials, and in all things love.

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