A Fool For Love

February 28th, 2024

1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Who wants to be a fool? I can think of a few people. Mother Teresa, for example, could be considered a fool for spending her life surrounded by poverty, disease, and death. Dietrich Bonhoeffer is another one, a German pastor who stood up in opposition to Adolf Hitler and was hanged by the Nazis.

Yes, I know many fools, and all of them are powerful. Not in the sense of government or social power. Their power comes from being rooted in the gospel of Christ. Their “foolishness” changes lives, sets prisoners free, restores families, and institutes changes for the benefit of all humanity.

This is what the foolishness of the cross looks like: It serves extravagantly, it gives selflessly, and it elevates others’ interests over one’s own. It doesn’t seek the highest pay but rejoices in the highest outcome. It brings hope and reconciliation. It points others to Jesus and wholeness through salvation.

Don’t be too concerned about being called a fool. You are in good company.

Author: Carol Rittenhouse

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