Service and Sacrifice

December 16th, 2023

Acts 5:35-42

In the United States, we have just come out of another round of elections. People from all sides have been declaring that their way is the best way and that none other could possibly be right. I have even heard Christians say that God would only approve of one way of voting versus any other. We choose our opinion over relationship, politics over presence. This leads the world to see the church as a divisive and combative entity instead of a joy-filled group of servants.

In Acts 5, the Sanhedrin did the same. They were so certain of their rightness that many on the council wanted to kill the followers of Jesus. Harsh words were exchanged and threats made. Gamaliel brought reason to the table; God used that to set free Peter and the others. These words of wisdom calmed the tension and brought glory to God and praise from the lips of the apostles. They celebrated, because serving the Lord, even with its uncertainty and difficulties, always brings great joy!

Author: Rachel Kuhn

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