God Is Just

October 26th, 2023

Ezekiel 18:25-32

Everything that God does is right and just. God is holy and fair. As God’s holy people we are called to reflect God to the world. Early Christians were baffling to pagans because they cared so relentlessly. They would rescue abandoned babies when parents didn’t want them. They ran into plague-ravaged cities to care for the stranded sick left behind by their families to fend and care for themselves. The early Christians lived justly in the world as a reflection of God’s holy love and concern for justice.

To turn away from the ethics of God’s kingdom is to choose the way of death. Those who choose the way of iniquity, always putting self before others, not looking out for the vulnerable or caring for the poor, this way doesn’t lead to flourishing. It leads to death: of the soul, of compassion, and concern for others.

May we choose to live with God’s heart and reflect God into the world because God is just.

Author: Michael Scarlett

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