Accept Your Responsibility

October 24th, 2023

Ezekiel 18:10-18

Some people see or understand their connection to a church because their grandparents were members there or they grew up going there as kids many years ago. Some have a sense that because it was their childhood church, their family’s church, they have their membership there, or they were baptized there, that “they’re in” because of their assumed connection.

The reality is we can’t have our relationship with God through another person or solely based on the past. We can’t have a vibrant relationship with God disconnected from a church community. The Church is to be the divine community to which we personally are tethered in Jesus. It’s here with the community of faith that we learn the means of grace—the work of worship and Christian formation linked with works of piety and works of mercy and care for the world. Through grace we are drawn into becoming people for whom the natural way to live is reflecting Jesus, His love, and His justice in the world. We are either responsibly pursuing this way of life for the sake of the world or we aren’t. We are either finding life in Jesus or we aren’t.

Author: Michael Scarlett


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