
August 22nd, 2023

Philemon 1:8-16

I think it’s safe to assume that most people want to feel needed and useful. Nobody wakes up and says that they would like to be put out to pasture and forgotten. People need to feel like they still have something to contribute. There are some however, who fear they have exceeded their usefulness and are no longer needed by anyone. 

As long as you are living, God still has a purpose for you! Some of you might need to read this again, perhaps aloud. God still has a purpose for you! Furthermore, that purpose is super important. If God wants it done, it has kingdom value. And so do the individuals He hand picks for the occasion.

Who are we to think that someone God chooses isn’t valuable to the kingdom? However, how often have you heard someone (maybe yourself) say they were not young enough (or not old enough), unequipped, or unqualified? “That sounds great, God, but I . . . .” Every time words such as these are spoken, they attempt to contradict God’s sovereign opinion of a person.

Prayerfully ask God to show you who might need their kingdom value affirmed.

Author: Andrea Talley

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