Chosen To Praise God

August 11th, 2023

1 Peter 2:4-10

The rewards of the Christian life are difficult to recognize in the realities of daily life. It seems like defeat, discouragement, and despair chase even the most faithful of God’s followers. Even the Cornerstone of the New Creation was rejected by the world (1 Peter 2:4). The house of faith is still being built and the rewards are there: The faithful are a “chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession.” Beneath the bruises and scars brought on by life and its consequences, there is nothing that changes the truth of who really belongs to Christ!

Mercy is the difference, the marker of what it means to identify as Christian. What brings someone into “the people of God” is receiving mercy (1 Peter 2:10). “Mercy triumphs over judgment” (James 2:13). This is the epitaph for every Christian who has ever lived!

the end of the day, when clouds roll in and waves arise against the faithful, there will always be mercy. Mercy is the greatest reward not only to receive but also to give away. Let us be people of mercy.

Author: Matt Price


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