Teach to Encourage

August 9th, 2023

2 Thessalonians 2:13-17

Teachers know well that the instruction they prepare will fall on deaf ears unless they show students what they need to learn. There is a renewed interest in mentorship.

The apostle Paul knew this well in his own experience. Barnabas the Encourager was with Paul on the first missionary journey (Acts 13:4ff). Barnabas was the one who brought the newly-converted Paul before the disciples, who were still afraid of his former crusade against believers (Acts 9). Paul had someone who believed in him even as he was beginning to believe in Jesus. Wow!

The church knows it believes in Jesus and His teachings, but how much do the members invest in those who are just learning the good news? None of us are left to figure out this faith by ourselves. We can grow in the Spirit when we see faith modeled by the Spirit-filled Barnabuses here in this world. The strength to hold on to newfound faith in Christ corresponds to finding someone with the kind of courage to walk alongside new believers.

Author: Matt Price

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