When To Speak; What To Say

April 25th, 2023

James 3:7-12

In James 3, he is asserting that it’s not okay for praise and cursing to come from the same mouth. Taming our tongue is a discipline, and yet our ability to do so stems from a deeper surrender of our hearts to Him who has the power to transform us into His likeness. 

Giving God access to our hearts—to heal, restore, and make new—is what enables our speech to exude praise rather than cursing. As we allow God full entry into our hearts, our thoughts and attitudes change in ways that are indicative of God’s nature rather than our own.

I recently learned of a helpful acronym. W.A.I.T. stands for “Why Am I Talking?”. I find this to be a helpful check in my spirit before I speak, because it allows me to give pause to what I’m saying and if I should say it at all.

Our words can become a mirroring of God’s Spirit within us, reflecting His grace as He grants us the wisdom to know not only when to speak, but what to say when we do.

Author: Edie MacPherson

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One Response to “When To Speak; What To Say”

  1. Jeff Combs Says:

    April 25th, 2023 at 7:25 am

    Spot on sister! I could say more but I will W.A.I.T.

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