Daily Rate
December 4th, 2022
Revelation 1:1-8
She ends each day with her “daily rates.” It’s a practice that she adopted years ago and one that has been the persistent pathway for a daily perspective shift. This woman who adopted my wife and I into her family consistently impressed us with her steadfast faith and perseverance in the face of challenge and heartache. Life had not always been kind, as it is for many of us. However, when I asked her the source of her resilience, she pointed to her “daily rate.”
“Each day I do a survey. I think about all the blessings I’ve been given throughout the day. In 2 Kings, it talks about how Jehoiachin was given a ‘daily rate’ to sustain him. Throughout my life, I’ve learned to trust the ‘daily rate’ of God, my daily provision. Instead of lingering on all that I don’t have, I instead praise God for what I’ve been given.”
Praise is the pathway for a perspective shift, one that turns our eyes away from fear and lack and toward the certainty of God’s faithfulness.
Author: Jeff Stark