Our Relationship with God

October 3rd, 2022

Exodus 20:1-11

There have been times in my life when I have felt like the hamster on the spinning wheel. You know, going faster and faster, but not really feeling like I am going anywhere. It has been at those times when I have needed to stop, take a deep breath, and refocus my life.

The fourth commandment embraces the idea of working hard, but then setting aside time for rest and worship. As God had rested from the work of creation, the people were to cease from their daily work. During that time, the people labored hard to provide for their needs. They couldn’t make a trip to the store if they ran short of something they needed. A day of rest meant a day without work—a day without providing. The people would need to have faith in God for His provision. In essence, God was telling the people to stop, take a deep breath, rest, trust, and focus on Him.

Our lives can be exhausting, and we may think we do not have time to take a break. Today, God is saying stop, rest, trust, and focus on Him.

Author: Mike Wonch

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