Radical Obedience

June 21st, 2022

RG AUDIO 062122


Hebrews 5:5-10

Four years ago, two four-month-old puppies joined our household. It was amazing how obedient they became with the tantalizing offer of a treat.

Jesus Christ obeyed His Father and came to earth. His obedience was not as a result of the offer of a treat, but at a great cost of suffering. Jesus did not die for himself, rather He obeyed His Father and died on a cross, so we might be saved. He lived a life of obedience during His earthy life that prepared Him for His supreme act of obedience. He suffered, pleaded, and prayed. Because of His faithful obedience, God heard His cries.

He set the example for us to follow. The reward not of a treat, but of eternal life, comes through Jesus Christ and continual reverent and radical obedience. Jesus calls for radical obedience—immediate, extreme, complete. You hear, and you do! Have you heard today? If so, have you been radically obedient?

Author: Lynda Boardman


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