Crucified With Christ

June 12th, 2022

RG AUDIO 061222


Revelation 12:7-12

How is the devil defeated, do you think? Through the strength of Christian conviction or confronting sin? By maintaining loyalty to the holy land? By quoting scripture?

None of these, it turns out will defeat the devil in the end.  The devil is defeated by only two things (which go hand-in-hand): the blood of the lamb, and the testimony of brothers and sisters in Christ who have learned not to love their own lives too much.

Oh brother or sister in Christ, your strength in this world lies not in your own power, but in the sacrificial life of Jesus—the blood of the lamb—who gave up all His political and social power in order to die for His enemies. Your weapons in this world lie not in the tearing down of others, but in the word of your testimony to that very same Christ, who is now living in you.

Do you want to oppose the devil? You have only one path. Be crucified with Christ, then share the story of God’s strength in your weakness. This hurting world needs to hear that story.

Author: Tara Thomas Smith

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