Sing Like You Mean It

November 25th, 2021

RG AUDIO 112521


Psalm 86:1-10

Christ followers are familiar with the praises, “Our God is faithful! God is good! God loves us!” While we believe these truths in our heads, at times we doubt. When walking through illness, relationship difficulties, or financial problems, we may question if God really is good.

God understands our questions and frailties as children of the kingdom of God. We are easily sidetracked by circumstances of life and easily swayed. If we are not careful, we can begin to treat these as conditional characteristics of God. For example, “God must not be good if bad things are happening to me,” or “I have been faithful to God, why hasn’t God been faithful to me? My friend, God is faithful and good and abounding in love not based on our behaviors, but because they are part of God’s very character. So how do we praise God when going through difficult times? God’s Spirit was sent to give us the strength to believe when our hearts are broken and grieved.

Author: Carol Rittenhouse


One Response to “Sing Like You Mean It”

  1. Vonda Says:

    November 25th, 2021 at 8:02 am

    Love this, especially the last two sentences.

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