By Grace Alone

October 15th, 2021

RG AUDIO 101521


Galatians 3:1-9

For the Jews, living under the privileged covenant established by God was a culturally known fact that was never disputed. They were God’s chosen. Even for those descendants that clearly did not deserve such favor, God’s faithfulness was demonstrated again and again.

How difficult was it for the Gentiles, as first-generation adoptees, to receive this gift of grace without any hints of disbelief? Lacking this rich tradition of covenantal lineage, it is understandable that though they were taught their salvation is by grace through faith in the redeeming power of Jesus Christ, they would attempt to earn it.

We must resist our temptation to earn God’s favor through human effort. All of God’s people were lifted from the curse of sin when Jesus was raised from the dead. It is a collective blessing we receive as God’s people. How misguided it is for us to take God’s gift to the world and pervert it into a reward that we could possibly deserve through our own strivings! May we never inflict this unbearable weight on ourselves or on others.

Author: Christine Hung


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