Remedy For Sin

September 16th, 2021

RG AUDIO 091621


Acts 4:1-12

Christ is our only salvation. His death and His resurrection make a way for salvation—a salvation that is found in no one else. Without Christ’s work, there is no path to salvation for anybody. Eternal life comes through accepting Christ, and only Christ, as our Savior.

Our beautiful Wesleyan theology gives us a way to talk about salvation. We believe that the prevenient grace of God reaches out, woos, invites those who do not yet call upon the name of Christ. This grace goes before salvation. As that beloved one responds to the light, the Holy Spirit faithfully and perfectly reveals more of himself. We can share our faith with those around us, knowing that God is going ahead of us, revealing himself through prevenient grace.

God’s entire creation is being faithfully and lovingly restored from the devastation of sin. This is the kingdom breaking in right now to push back the brokenness. Where can you see God at work remedying the effects of sin right now?

Author: Teanna Sunberg

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