We’re All In God’s Image

August 31st, 2021

RG AUDIO 083121


Genesis 1:24-31

God created each of us in His image to rule and reign for Him. Adam was called to rule over “every living thing that moves on the ground” (Genesis 1:28). We are created to rule and reign as God’s stewards, helping creation to flourish according to His design. We are created in the image of the king of kings—we are royalty.

A king would put images of himself in remote parts of his kingdom so his subjects would know that he was still “there” even if he was far away. We are created in God’s image to show the world who God is and what God is like. He isn’t absent. God is working through His image-bearers to love the world. We are God’s ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20), living images representing God wherever we are.

What does it mean to be created in God’s image and likeness?  You are royalty, created to rule and reign with God to bring about God’s new creation. You are God’s image-bearer, called to show the world who God is by the way you live and love.

Author: Paul Dazet


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