Choosing A Disciplined Life

July 7th, 2021

RG AUDIO 070721


Hebrews 11:32—12:3

Two runners line up at the starting line of a marathon. They have the same shoes, shorts, shirts, and even water bottles.  The starting gun goes off and the race is on! Though the two runners appear the same, there is something vastly different between the two of them. One of them had trained, or rather, was disciplined, and the other was not.

Both runners made a choice. They were not forced into training nor not training. The one who was disciplined took initiative to get better and create a routine of running. In a world where the desires of people seem to outweigh what is best, it is hard to live disciplined lives. In fact, those that do seem a bit odd.

The writer to the Hebrews reminds readers that not only are we to run the race well, but there is a great cloud of witnesses that ran the race before us and are cheering us on. It’s really tempting, and it seems so attractive, to just do what feels good. Yet, the more disciplined that we choose to be, the deeper our love for Christ and others will become.

Author: Cara Shonamon

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