Work Alongside

June 9th, 2021

RG AUDIO 060921


Acts 18:1-8

Vocation defines us because a vocation is a calling. There are many around the world who have sensed a call into a certain field or work: medicine, teaching, journalism, counselor or psychologist, carpentry, artist, acting. There are many vocations, and all play an important role in society and culture. Many of us have jobs, or had a job if retired, but what about a vocation? There is a difference between a job and a vocation.

Christians are all called by God in Jesus through the Holy Spirit. As Jesus went about His way, He called the twelve to follow Him. As followers of Jesus, this is our vocation. Even in spending our days in a profession or career, we all share this foundational vocation in our Christian journey. Paul was a tentmaker, but his vocation was sharing the good news of Jesus.

We’re called to go forth, empowered by the gospel, to do everything in the name of Christ for the sake of the world. Today and every day, choose this deep vocation to be employed by God for the kingdom of heaven.

Author: Michael Scarlett


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