Follow The Leader
May 2nd, 2021
Hebrews 13:1-8
The world we live in is upside down. What was once considered wrong, is now up for debate. Up is down and left is right. Truth often is considered intolerance. God’s Word is in constant danger of being silenced and considered irrelevant. His people are seen as intolerant. The world seems to have no room for the witness of Christians.
This is not new. First century Christians faced a culture that was even harsher toward them and the gospel. There was no room for their Christian witness in the world around them. They faced imprisonment and death.
In the midst of that, the writer of Hebrews shared that Jesus called out from among the believers leaders to lead the church during that chaotic time. These leaders were anointed in a special way to bring the truth of the gospel and guide people to live holy lives. These leaders accepted the mantle of responsibility and knew that “whoever loses their life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 10:39b).
There is no reason to fear. Follow those who follow Christ. They will lead you to Him.
Author: Suzanne Cook
May 2nd, 2021 at 8:50 am
That piece is well written. Also, enjoyed the hymn, “Soldiers of the Cross, Arise.”