The Winsomeness of Christ

April 21st, 2021

RG AUDIO 042121


John 1:1-14

I sat at my local coffee shop the other day, sipping espresso, anxiously attentive to my work on the screen in front of me. I noticed her out of the corner of my eye several times, this adorable wide-eyed toddler taking in the world as she sat with her mother. Now, in anticipation of going home, she came bouncing my way, watching me, learning my facial reactions, “playing to the crowd.” Her energy was endearing and her spirit inspiring. Several others took note and were caught up in her charm. Her little life was bigger than the room and buoyed all who could see her.

I wonder if ever we encounter Jesus in these ways. I think of

Him on the shore calling the first disciples or traveling through towns, inviting others to follow. How endearing and captivating He must have been to elicit responses of dropping nets and leaving posts.

Have we observed Jesus’ life as a set of doctrinal propositions and list of life principles to adhere to? Or have we experienced His interpersonal energy that gives life and shines light? Do we know Him as the source of our being and fullness of purpose?

Author: Jamison Sandbloom


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