The Ultimate Authority

January 7th, 2021

RG AUDIO 010721


Mark 1:21-34

Candee Michin was the scariest and most amazing band director of all times. In 7th grade I joined the Park Jr. High Marching Band and Candee was the director. She was authoritative and knew her stuff. You never doubted it. In moments where we were off task, she was firm and direct, but when we were on it, she celebrated!

When I went to high school, she became the band director there too, for just one year. That summer she challenged us and we won almost every competition we entered. Her authority shaped us into the students she knew we could be.

Jesus showed up with more authority than anyone had ever seen. They heard Jesus speak and they immediately listened. Even the demons obeyed Him. His new teaching helped to bring life and healing, but first people had to accept that He was the ultimate authority.

Today, how can you turn all authority in your life over to Jesus? What is He trying to teach you? Are you willing to let Him have the ultimate authority in your life today?

Author: Rachel Kuhn

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