The True Word of God
December 10th, 2020
John 1:9-18
Any time we wonder what God is like, all we must do is look at the Word. But the Word is not a book—the Word is a person. John tells us that Jesus is the Word of God made flesh. Jesus is everything God wanted to tell us about himself in living, breathing form.
As often as we reflect on the idea of Jesus as Immanuel—God with us—do we truly take the time to contemplate how vast and incredible that concept is? What a wonder that God would become what we are so that He could tell us everything about himself in a way that we would understand!
Perhaps the greatest joy of realizing Jesus is the Word of God is understanding what that makes us as His brothers and sisters. The Word of God becomes flesh again in us each and every time we believe and accept Jesus for who and what He is—everything God wants to say to humanity.
May we be the word of love that God speaks to someone today.
Author: Rachel Campbell